To be a successful manager

Found these interesting key points to being a successful manager:
Set expectations from the start. Let them know during the interview process that they’ll be judged on their ability to cultivate healthy relationships with other team members. No one can succeed in a vacuum; No matter how strong an employee – complimentary teams are needed to be successful.
Hold them accountable. Make it clear that employees’ behavior and actions towards others are just as important as their performance abilities.
Recognize the team. Avoid doling out too much recognition to one person. Teams respond better when recognized as a whole. We need to lead by example. If you want the group to function as a team – you need to reward them at a team – and make sure that you are showing appreciation to all of the team members.
Give feedback. Hold regular sessions if the employee’s behavior is hurting team morale. We all know that ignoring the issue will not make it go away. Remember – What we allow, we condone. If there is behavior that is hurting the team morale, it is important to observe the behavior and provide feedback as to what you have seen – and the impact on others.
Help develop new skills. Top performers don’t always have the most solid interpersonal skills. Encourage them to socialize more with co-workers – or even just walk over to co-workers to deliver messages instead of always e-mailing.



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