Breakfast and Educational Outcomes

“Study Provides Strongest Evidence Yet of a Link Between Breakfast Quality and Educational Outcomes”

A new study carried out by public health experts at Cardiff University involving 5,000 9-11 year olds found a direct and positive link between breakfast consumption and educational outcomes.  The study used the attainment in Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessments 6-18 months later as their test variable.  Researchers found that above average educational performances were twice as likely in students who ate breakfast and that those who ate unhealthy items had no positive impact on educational outcomes.

            This study is important to community dietitians because it not only stresses the importance of eating breakfast, which is already widely accepted, it focuses on the quality of the breakfast for educational outcomes.  While offering free breakfast in schools is a great step toward improving academic performance, dietitians working in school districts should be mindful of the types of items provided to students.


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