Dietitians on Social Media

        Social media has gained popularity over the past decade and provides us with news, entertainment, and communication.  As we also know, some of the most “loudest” voices on social media are sometimes also not the most accurate.  As future dietitians, this leaves us many opportunities to promote our knowledge and to provide science-based information to consumers.  Many pseudo-experts attempt to write health and nutrition related articles; however, sometimes these articles make false claims. 

       In a recent Today’s Dietitian article, Melissa Joy Dobbins who is a registered dietitian and owner of Sound Bites, Inc., states, “RDs are uniquely qualified to translate nutrition science into meaningful sound bites for the public.  If we aren’t part of the conversation, we can’t be part of the solution.”  Utilizing social media gives dietitians visibility and recognition as nutrition experts.  Forming social media exposure can also help develop a professional and community network. 

        Social media can also act as a form of connects with dietitians and other health professionals, such as LinkedIn.  The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics utilize social media, such as Twitter, to provide updates on their pages.  There is also a site offered called Build Up Dietitians Facebook group where dietitians are able to connect and communicate with each other and provide support to one another.


Cochran, N., & King, D. (2015). Dietitians on social media: Promoting and protecting your work.  Today’s Dietitian, (17)10, 50.


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