Need to change the way school breakfast is served

Traditional school breakfast is distributed in the cafeteria just like lunch. Students do not have the time or patience in the morning to get breakfast. Many students, especially high school students, would rather sleep in than wake up early to get breakfast in the morning. Buses or kids coming in late means they would miss breakfast supplied by the school.

Breakfast in the classroom is being used more often in the classroom because students can eat in their first class. They do not have to rush to get breakfast, wait in line or rush to eat. Teachers also do not have to lose time because they can still do attendance, make announcements, collect homework or anything else while students are eating.  

Grab ‘N’ Go breakfast is also a style that gives students more freedom. They can grab paper bags, boxes or trays that are prepared usually the day before. They are able to eat it whenever and wherever they want and the school can place the cart with all the bags anywhere they want in the school. It makes it more flexible and convenient for students because they can place it by the door instead of the cafeteria.

The last option is called second chance breakfast also known as breakfast after first period. It is a way for students to get food after the first bell. It gives students a greater chance to pick food up, if they’re still hungry they can pick up more food (especially for older kids who having a bigger appetite). They also have a chance to get food if they were late in the morning and wasn’t initially hungry when they got to school because they ate at home.

These styles of serving breakfast in school has been shown to increase attendance and breakfast participation. We need to move away from the typical cafeteria tray line service for breakfast and move on to more flexible and convenient styles for students.


United States Department of Agriculture. Energize Your Day! Eat School Breakfast. There’s more than one way to serve breakfast. Retrieved from


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