Sustainable Eating

Sustainability is the practice of conserving natural resources and lessening your impact on the environment. The practice of sustainability in food production includes the techniques used to protect the land, animals, and community so that it will help prevent harm on the future environment.  Sustainability can also be used in eating practices and food purchasing to help benefit the community and promote healthier eating in the home.  

Buying from local businesses and farms is one way of sustainable eating that keeps that money in your community and supports the local farmers.  Growing your own food is another great way to understand the growing process and how involved growing food is.  This helps us pay more attention to food waste and appreciate the small farms that put all that time in to produce our food.  Talking to others that are involved in food production is another way to get helpful tips on sustainable eating.  Eating seasonal foods in your area benefits local farmers as well.  Another sustainable practice would be to use refillable bottles for drinking rather than wasting materials by using bottled drinks.  Buying foods in bulk and buying less processed food reduces the amount of waste produced from packaging materials, which is another example of sustainable living.   

Sustainable eating practices, including how you buy your food and where you buy your food, are good ways to help create a healthier community and build a strong future for the environment.


Moore, S. (2017). Sustainable Eating. Retrieved from


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