More Education on Calorie Labeling on Menus Needed

A recent study in Philadelphia looked at if consumers used the calorie information given on fast food menus when placing their orders. They found that only 40% of participants age 18-64 noticed that calories were posted on the menu. And only 10% used these numbers to help them decide on their meals. It was also noted that since the calories have been posted in 2010 there has been no significant difference in food items ordered.

As a community dietitian, we can continue to educate the population of the knowledge available to them and how they can use this information. This may be an issue with the older population that regularly visit these fast food venues and may not look as closely at the menus. Younger populations may notice the numbers but may need more information on how they can use this information to make healthy choices.  Although calories have been posted for some years and this has been a topic in the news, it is still being overlooked. Whether working with individuals or counseling groups, this is a topic that may need to be addressed.




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