Trends and cost in healthcare

So I found a couple of interesting articles that I thought could be applicable to us.

The first one I found was trends for consumers....though we are not necessarily in the business world, I still think this is important for us on how to reach patients/clients.  In the managerial role I think keeping up on trends is ESSENTIAL!  Therefore, it is always important to be searching.  I thought #5 on the list, app-designs, was a good one because I already see so many nutrition apps and we can use these to our advantage.  For example, at my summer rotation we used the myfitnesspal app with out patients for the weight loss classes and we also used the nestle app for tube feeds and professional purposes.  Just something to take a look at!

Consumer trends!

This second article isn't necessarily management-related, but I still found it interesting.  This is from a blog and it talks about cost and rational/responsible healthcare.

Rational health care

Enjoy  :)
Amanda B.


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